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The Preview is a very useful feature while testing complicated scripts.
It applies the current-Process-script to a smaller version
of the picture specified in the  SinglePicture-Window .
The change of any parameter is visible in the Process-Window
instantly (on fast machines). To abort the geneneration of
the preview hold the left mouse-button.
The width and depth of the preview can be specified from within the
 SinglePicture-Window .
A width of 160 and a depth of 4 is a should be always good choice.

The original width of the input-image is displayed in the
window title. This may be sometimes important adjusting size-dependant

If you used a "normal" image-processor before you may have enjoyed
the feature of graphically specifing parameters like dragging a rectangle
for a Crop-effect. Such a feature isn't implemented into Wildfire
because I had no idea of good concept yet.
The problem is that all Operators of the Process-script are
independant. That means that a Twirl-effects doesn't "know" about
a Scale-effect executed before.
And the Scale-effect doesn't "know" about about a CreateImage-effect
executed before...

A first attempt is the  ImageCoordinates-Window  which
allows you to graphically modify some types of controls inside the
Preview-Window. For example if you want to crop an image you may
use the "Rectangle"-control and later copy the indicated coordinates
to the options-window of the Crop-PlugIn.

<space>       refresh the image (e.g. after aborting)
<c>           open the  ImageCoordinates-Window